Notice: some kinda note thing
The Finals...
2008-06-04 12:13

Every game needs a hero...

z00fle will be taking on blink-182 for the Tournament of Terror 1v1 crown. Stay tuned, and check the match comments for a potential match time. If you want to watch, ask one of the players to let you sub. There is a *slight* possibility of GTV. If you can't make it game night, be sure to check out the demos.

GL and HF to the finalists!

Semi-Finals begin!
2008-05-23 02:18

And then there were four. The semi-final round has begun and the map is Algiers.

As for round 3, for this past week I'm going to promote two demos of the week because they both look really entertaining - one all Canadian and one all American: dondon vs and sephy vs Raimondo

Tourney moves into round 3
2008-05-18 23:33

Another week of 1v1 action comes to a close, leaving just 8 players undefeated (4 Canadians and 4 Americans, interestingly).

From this point on in the tourney, demo submission will be mandatory (since there's only 7 more matches, so it's reasonable for hosting, plus these will likely be the most interesting for spectators to watch, giving those who have been knocked out of the tourney something to do).

Check out the match results of this past week to find demos of those matches. Given the close scores, I'm gonna say that the demo of the week is }{AMMER vs sephy, although to be honest I haven't had a chance to watch all the demos from this past week yet.

Round 2 schedule is up
2008-05-09 21:18

The match-ups for round 2 are posted on the tourney bracket page. Players have until Thursday night, May 15th to play their matches. Note: this week's map is ut4_austria

Check out some of the screenshots and demos from the round 1 matches posted on each match page.

In particular, I'd say that the Karizma vs Zoo match was the most entertaining of the week. You can get the demos here: ]{arizma vs z00fle

Round 2
2008-05-08 21:36

A good week of matches- as of now it seems we only had one forfeit match! There were a few really close matches, be sure to check out the comments section of each match up to see screen shots and demos. Stay tuned and we'll be getting next week's schedule up ASAP. Next week's map will be ut4_austria.

Last day to play matches...
2008-05-08 07:57

Just a reminder that today is the last day to play matches! Make sure to use the comments section to report scores and schedule matches.

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