![]() ![]() | |
Type: | Play-offs |
Referee: | ——— |
Date: | 2009-01-05 11:00 |
Score: | 2:1 |
Frags: | 39:35 |
Score details: | ut4_algiers -> 15:9 ut4_algiers -> 10:15 ut4_algiers -> 14:11 |
Demos: | Algiers « jesuscamps |
Despair | 2009-01-13 20:54 |
<3 | |
bludshot | 2009-01-13 13:17 |
We'll see ![]() Beat zoo next round and you'll prove me wrong and my opinion will change. ![]() | |
posssesssed | 2009-01-13 01:27 |
GODDAMNIT DESPAIR LOL ... i said ur good ... despairs'ego>despair? =D .. n lucky pwns most but only 2 playas actually scrare me in urt (YES FUCKING FRIGHTENED OK? >=0) and res is one of them... its not just bout skill... its (((HOW))) he plays ... yall fukkin hilarious LOL and lucky he was talkin bout me as inexperienced i know i shoulda installed this game years ago (ill be pwnin by v.6.1 ![]() Edited: 2009-01-13 01:57 | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-12 22:15 |
I havent looked at this for a few days and i come back to see that you flamed me.. LOL dood seriously.. I am def.. not inexperienced i have been around from the beginning so call me a 4.0 noob if you must but i was once upon a time a long time ago -=SMG=-HomeGrown.. So yeah Ive been around the block.. and also for res being the best player on our team.. you are sadly mistaken.. and yes you will have to play on |fn|'s server very soon and this is a must.. it will be this Tuesday whether you like it or not.. So get the fuck over it.. and If you think res is a conservative player then you sir are truly a stupid fuck... He can out run you out jump you and certainly with out a doubt out gun you.. so .. what ever home boy get back to me k thx.. | |
Despair | 2009-01-12 15:40 |
To put this dispute who is the better player between myself and resistance to an end.. Me and Shroom are just about always on an equal level. We've officially 1v1'd on a private server once and I was able to pull of the win against him 25-17. Now on another day I wouldn't doubt Shroom would be able to beat me an equal amount of times as I beat him. He and I are both one of the best LR shooters in Urt imo. Zoo and I have also done some practice 1v1's where I've beaten him one map and then he beat me the very next (turnpike) ha. So I wouldn't go to the point of saying "Res could probably beat Despair." I told you it wouldn't happen because I'm confident in knowing that. Anyways idc that much as it's just urt and when the time comes to play [T] I'll give you a show bludshot. ![]() Edited: 2009-01-12 15:42 | |
bludshot | 2009-01-12 12:28 |
Res couldn't beat shroom, zoo, or kenny, but he might be able to beat Despair. Anyways you guys should see the difference between euros and americans, look at these match comms compared to this match: link | |
Despair | 2009-01-12 04:00 |
res>des? ![]() Rofl. And it's obvious you don't know me that well. Give me a ethernet wired connection and see what I do to resistance. Even with my wireless that I use right now, it would not change the fact I could beat resistance. You can bet all you want on him and lose. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying he is a bad or average player at all. My brother kraken and I have known resistance aka sigterm for a while and he is far from an average player. His gamestyle in urt differs alot from my own and even my brothers. He prefers to play alot more conservative and use cover to shoot while I prefer the run and gun urt game style. My guns will beat his anyday unless of course something out of the ordinary occurs as it did for whatever reason during my last 1v1. Didn't change the overall outcome of me taking a win but, heh it's the last time I will play in an FN server unless deemed necessary. You think resistance could beat shroom, zoo, or even kraken or kenny? Please. If he cannot take them on which I'm quite sure of no offense, he'd be in the same boat playing me. He's a great player who plays well and even plays urt more often than I do now. But still, come to reality bro, I know you haven't been playing urt long compared to most of the veteran players but really now.. FN's team is good and resistance being their best player no doubt. But why don't you have a closer look at GlaD's team and my LR? Hm? All in all it's only a game, but just had to clear up this misunderstand for the more inexperienced urt players. Hope you pay closer attention this tuesday. We get to play FN team finally in STA. ![]() Enjoy and GGs. Edited: 2009-01-12 04:05 | |
posssesssed | 2009-01-11 02:15 |
youre good but id bet on resistance over^ u res>des ![]() | |
Despair | 2009-01-09 21:41 |
Alright well GG to me I just deleted my entire post here by hitting the back button on the browser. SWEET deal. Anyways, about me disconnecting to fix my autoexec...It was obvious I had made an accidental change of some sort (my cfg) due to mistakenly hitting a key to exec a completely different match config due to my name changing to my GlaD-Despair! all the sudden. Me reconnecting almost instantly back into the server with my original default name and default cfg should show enough that it was not done on purpose to exploit, cheat, hack or any other method to be unfair. I was tempted in the middle of round 2/3 to actually disconnect for 5-10 minutes and reboot my router and modem because of the severity of issues that were going on. I'm not putting the blame on you, FN, or the server exactly, but I am stating that something odd DID occur between round 1 and starting of 2 when I foolishly went into the start of round 2 alot more laid back and was not expecting the packet loss/lag that suddenly occured on my end. By the time I actually made an attempt to catch up I noticed that the lag or whatever was severely hindering any chance I had of being able to even get my x hair onto you and connect the first 8-10 bullets I fired at your model and have them register properly. By the time that happened you would easily be able to obviously target me and return fire. However, no problems seemed to be on your end as your hits registered more than superb. I was thinking how interesting it all was, especially when my entire network seized up temporarily and my netgraph flattened out to a small black bar at the very bottom which caused me to become immobile for almost a full 40 seconds. Now again, the blame is not being pointed at anyone for this as it very well could have been my shitty wireless I get to so happily play on when I game online. However, not once have I ever had such random and sudden packet loss LET ALONE being black lined for that amount of time or at all for that matter. My brother kraken was playing with no issue whatsoever on his computer in the room next to me I confirmed. Just an odd coincidence is all. Regardless, GG's lucky hopefully we'll see FN in STA playoffs so we can properly introduce our team to yours. ![]() Oh and about sigterm aka Resistance... He's a cool kid whom my bro and I have known for quite a while from back in the day playing urt. He's also a great player. But let his 16 maybe 17 year old ass know...it's really funny to be calling me a kid and saying he'd rape me this and that. Ain't happenin. Shit, what do you think I could do on an actual ethernet connection? Lube up plz. Ya, nuff said. ![]() And yeah we'll play again no doubt. GG's again bro, hopefully next time we can do it without the lag and/or the camping. ![]() Late. -Despair Edited: 2009-01-09 21:42 | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-09 18:43 |
oh and btw.. if you want i talked to resi and he said lets go brah.. i would rape that kid.. and if you still have any doubt ill play you again and next time hopefully win.. but like i said in my 2nd post on the comments tab... "MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR HAX TURNED OFF FOR THIS ONE.. CAUSE I DEF... DONT WANT TO BE LIKE SHYTE AND GET MY SHYTE ROLLED.." | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-09 18:41 |
round 1- http://www.fnclan.com/luckycharms/1v1/screens/despairrnd1.jpg round 2- http://www.fnclan.com/luckycharms/1v1/screens/despairrnd2.jpg round 3- http://www.fnclan.com/luckycharms/1v1/screens/despairrnd3.jpg demo- http://www.fnclan.com/luckycharms/1v1/demos/despair.dm_68 round 1 despair > lucky 15-9 round 2 despair < lucky 15-10 round 3 despair > lucky 14-11 Like i said again gg's despair | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-09 18:30 |
First off i will upload my demo and my screens but i was getting pissed off and at the time sigterm was playing cod4 scrim you can ask my cod4 captain Creeper from alpha if you have any doubts that it was infact me. Now for your other issues yes i did camp you and infact should have beaten you. You have more skillfull moves then i have but then again you also have a great bot that coincides with your gun. After you being over at glad your gameplay has gotten so much better and also you have being making very suspicious shots. The whole thing between second and thrid maps where you said. oooops i just changed configs and i had to leave the server for that long makes me suspect something.. i have it all on demo. But none the less gg's you beat me fair and square "or at least i hope it was fair" But none the less gg's | |
Despair | 2009-01-09 17:02 |
K well I forgot with my new computer and urt config to bind my screenshot key to my cfg so the screenshots were never taken. I do however have the demo of the entire thing. 1st map went without problems, I won by around 4 rounds. 2nd map was when something weird either happened to my network, or something with Lucky's end or server. Starting off I was playing relaxed and noticed when I started actually trying to make connections with my LR that I would be receiving some sort of delay to the point where I would fire almost 8-10 rounds from my clip and maybe hit him once and he would be able to swing around and start shooting and connect with ease. Camping happened alot after the first round unfortunately, and I was not quite wanting to switch up my rush 1v1 play to make it a shooting battle. During play randomly I would actually lag out with flat black bars on my netgraph the majority of this happening during 2nd round. It was quite odd. My shots were no longer registering and it seemed somehow his shots seemingly could hit me even around corners. Now whether this was due to my shitty wireless doing its usual random bugging out, or whether it was due to some other factor who knows. Just quite the coincidence. Gameplay from first map to second from "Lucky" switched up to almost a desperate desire to win where camping me due to the disadvantage I was suddenly receiving was the cool thing to do. In fact, I actually had and still slightly have my doubts that it was in fact lucky playing the match. I've played both Lucky and Sigterm aka Resistance alot in the past and the strategy and shooting being done was very similar to Resistance NOT Lucky. I'm not saying this is indeed a fact he played for lucky, I'm only saying it's likely and possible. Now to put all urt "bitching" aside, 3rd map I played more conservative towards the end without camping and pulled through with a win despite the network problems and campy play. All in all GG's I suppose FN or Lucky whoever was playing. Lol see you in STA brah. I will upload the demo I have. Screenshots will have to come from Lucky's end since I was noob and didn't fix my binds. Now Zoo, will be an interesting match to play. | |
Despair | 2009-01-09 12:28 |
z00fle has a point though. It's alright, more fun to beat a confident opponent. Think I got my wireless stable a bit more than it has been today finally, so let's do this today at some point. I will idle on your IRC, see you there bro. GL? Lol. Can we still be friends after this? ![]() | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-07 20:39 |
dont come ruin our shit.. ill get to you next ![]() | |
z00fle | 2009-01-07 19:13 |
lucky you dont have a shot of beating despair | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-07 16:13 |
Lets do this broski | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-06 13:49 |
ruh rho.. i knew all of those late night drunken scrambles with you would lead somewhere... make sure you have your hax turned off for this one.. cause i def... dont want to be like shyte and get my shyte rolled.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Edited: 2009-01-06 13:50 | |
Despair | 2009-01-06 02:08 |
Anytime brotha, I'd like to do it on your dallas server though. No east coast shitz homie. I'll hit you up on IRC. I'll try not to go too rough on ya. ![]() ![]() | |
jesuscamps | 2009-01-05 17:26 |
when you wanna do this homeslice hit me up on #fnclan on etg ![]() |